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* Please note that the content of the article is at the time of creation and may differ from the latest information.

3rd acure Kun's Aomori apple garden < fri >

We renewed in last October,
acure made Popular items of
"Aomori apple series".
The deliciousness of that commitment
To have you enjoy yourself
acure members Invite your fans from within!
It became a party of the dream of an apple cultivar.

Toast, of course, with the Aomori apple series ♪

With the start of the party, acure Kun appeared! I will wear a cute apple hat with the staff and I will greet you with a hand gesture. If everyone gets the Aomori apple series, it's a fun call, and Kanpa-Lee ♪ Well, what kind of party will begin from now on?

All six varieties of Aomori apple series are assembled in large groups!

Aomori apple series where products of different varieties are released according to the season. At the party, we have prepared a total of six products including pre-release products! Aomori apple garden is the only chance to taste all varieties at the same time! Everybody was crazy about and chose the kind to be worried about.

At the window of the venue, a photo spot also appears.

To flash shoot apple trees ...! ? If you look closely, acure Kun was hiding too!

"Aomori apple test" started by apple teacher!

Mr. apple teacher, product development person in charge of Aomori apple series Yui appeared! The point of the product was introduced in a fun quiz. The story of the way to the harvest and the raw material that sticks to "only apples". Everyone is curious about the secrets of the deliciousness of the Aomori apple series, such as the structure of the manufacturing process and the stuffed with gyogu! It seems that you have found a new attraction.

Staff opposition! acure Kun's gesture quiz showdown

acure In this corner, where 3 staff from acure Everyone is nailed to a cute gesture to tell the subject with hard work ♪ using a little short limbs ♪ big success. In the close battle where rare answers and miracle answers also fly out, Toru-san finally won the game.

The big lottery and the thrilling finale!

The last is a great lottery to wait! The venue was full of excitement, as it is a luxury prize that is unbearable for apple lovers. And to the closing remarks. The party in charge of this party acure Mr. Mizopi's staff. Aomori apple series and acure members The entire venue was surrounded by a warm atmosphere, with all the over-looking words.

Thus, Aomori apple love ・ acure The party full of love ended the curtain peacefully.

acure How was Kun's Aomori apple garden?

  • Quiz to hit the apple flower, it was difficult! acure Kun's dance was also very good!

  • acure Kun, it was cute! I also took a memorial photo together. I am very happy with the fun event ♪

  • I wanted to know more about the Aomori apple series! Mizopi's acure I am moved by my thoughts ...!

Also" acure members See you on day!

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