【Soup】Hieshirazu-san no ginger chicken soupEnd of sale

acure made 【Soup】Hieshirazu-san no ginger chicken soup

Released on September 25, 2014 (Thu)

  • With the popular series "Cold of the cold" and the ginger soup series of the cup soup marketacure made<acure madeCollaboration planning with>.
    HOT sales at vending machines make it easy for anyone to drink hot water soon.
  • The taste is made with "Chicken soup", and it is easy to drink even for people who are new to ginger drinks.
  • In this developmentekinakaVending machineacure<acureHeld a round-table conference of Nagatanien Production Club with customers who usually use>.
    "The time you are waiting for the winter train is very cold!" "I do not have much to do in layering."

See the development story until the product is completed