Every month from the 25th to the end of the month, Plus acure Week!

During the period, if you purchase at acure, you will earn acure point twice as much as usual!

During the period of Plus acure Week, purchasing items with Plus acure doubles the number of acure point

acure point triple point Campaigns!

During the period indicated on the sticker, if you purchase the target product with acure, acure point will be three times as much as usual!

▼ This sticker looks good! ▼

acure point triple point Campaigns! During the period, purchase the target product! acure point 3 times

* Designs are subject to change.

  • * If you purchase the target product Campaigns three times during the acure week, you will receive acure point, which is three times the normal number.
  • * There is a period during which the 3x point Campaigns is not implemented.


Plus acure Installation Location List